Registrations Opening Soon...
  1. Every team can have a maximum of 12 players and 7 will play on the ground.
  1. Matches will be played on the soil ground.
  1. The weight of player should not exceed 85 kg and there is no limit for age.
  1. Raid will be for 30 sec.
  1. If a team goes on two successive empty raids (raids fetching no points for either team), then the next raid is called a Do-Or-Die Raid. The raiding team must get the point during this raid, or else the raider will be out even if she/he is not tackled.
  1. The referee's decision will be the final decision during the game. In case of a conflict, decisions of the Sports Committee will be considered final.
  1. The match duration is two halves of 15 minutes with a half-time break of 5 minutes.
Our Team
Prof. Sudheer kumar
Faculty Coordinator

Phone Number
Abhinav Khatiyan
Sports Core

Phone Number